APR 15, 2003 (newstodate): No epidemiological information has to date been found to suggest that contact with goods, products or animals shipped from SARS-affected areas has been the source of SARS infection in humans.
This is a conclusion by UN-bodies WHO, FAO and OEI in respose to public queries.
-WHO does not at present conclude that any goods, products or animals arriving from SARS-affected areas pose a risk to public health. WHO will continue to closely monitor the evolution of SARS, in collaboration with Ministries of Health and our partner agencies, say the UN-bodies in a joint statement.
This is a conclusion by UN-bodies WHO, FAO and OEI in respose to public queries.
-WHO does not at present conclude that any goods, products or animals arriving from SARS-affected areas pose a risk to public health. WHO will continue to closely monitor the evolution of SARS, in collaboration with Ministries of Health and our partner agencies, say the UN-bodies in a joint statement.