APR 23, 2003 (newestodate): Croatia Airlines reports a record-high Q1 performance in 2003.
The airline transported a total of 207,785 passengers in domestic and international traffic, up 16 percent on last year when 179,568 passengers were transported.
March was also a record month with 76,319 passengers transported, up eight percent on last year, with an average cabin load factor at 47 percent, or 3.4 percent up on March last year.
The airline transported a total of 207,785 passengers in domestic and international traffic, up 16 percent on last year when 179,568 passengers were transported.
March was also a record month with 76,319 passengers transported, up eight percent on last year, with an average cabin load factor at 47 percent, or 3.4 percent up on March last year.