Jan 25, 2017 (newstodate): In another effort to support the country's indigenous aircraft industry, Russia's president has endorsed a proposal to favor Russian airlines with Russian-built aircraft in the fleet.
Such airlines will enjoy preferential treatment in allocation of profitable routes in Russia, compared to airlines with an all-western aircraft fleet.
The effort is to boost Russian airlines' acquisition of notably the Superjet 100 aircraft, but Boeing, Airbus and other western-built aircraft still account for some 80 percent of the combined commercial airline fleets of Russia.
As an example of today's situation in Russia, 85 percent of the fleet of Aeroflot are Airbus and Boeing aircraft, and 54 percent of the aircraft currently on order by Aeroflot are placed with western aircraft manufacturers.
Such airlines will enjoy preferential treatment in allocation of profitable routes in Russia, compared to airlines with an all-western aircraft fleet.
The effort is to boost Russian airlines' acquisition of notably the Superjet 100 aircraft, but Boeing, Airbus and other western-built aircraft still account for some 80 percent of the combined commercial airline fleets of Russia.
As an example of today's situation in Russia, 85 percent of the fleet of Aeroflot are Airbus and Boeing aircraft, and 54 percent of the aircraft currently on order by Aeroflot are placed with western aircraft manufacturers.